A-Z Benefits of Apples for the Process of Slimming and Weight Loss

Process of Slimming and Weight Loss

Apples have many benefits as I have discussed in previous articles.
Health benefits of billions of Apples

But the benefits of this fruit is not limited to that alone, in addition to health and an antidote to the disease. Apples used to the diet and also to care for healthy hair, skin and your face.

A-Z Benefits of Apples for the Process of Slimming and Weight Loss

In this article I will provide an explanation of all the benefits of apples in your diet process.

In Indonesia diet using apples very much done and proven to assist in the diet both women and men even though they add other fruits.

Remember the process of your diet will work well if you live on a regular basis, keep eating, berolaraga at least 3 times a week.

Red fruit this one is very popular to increase the health of the body and also consumed to assist in the diet. Not only in Indonesia alone apple used for dieting but nearly all the Asian countries have done the same thing.
Who would not want to have a beautiful body even though this is not absolutely signify the person is healthy.

But 1,200 students enrolled in public confidence survey in a school High School Indonesia found :

500 students are not confident because of skin color
500 students are not confident because posture
160 students are not confident because his face
40 other students are not confident because trouma and various other psychological issues .

From the above data can you take the conclusion that more than 40 % of the students have problems regarding their bodies .

Then we go through the discussion about the benefits of apples to the diet.

Benefits of Apples to Diet

Apple has proven successful in helping the diet in many countries. Then why do not you try ?.
If you're unsure about the usefulness, I will give full reasons why using apple diet has proved successful.

The apple has a very high fiber content the same fiber content contained in brown rice that is what makes sense of fullness in your stomach last longer.

So what to do ?. With a high fiber content, our bodies can minimize the intake of high-calorie foods.
When the glucose get into the stomach, you will feel hungry then instructs your brain to immediately consume the food.
After the meal hunger was automatically disappears, then this is where the apple fiber to survive in the stomach and then comes into play to make feel full longer which will prevent you from starving.

The apple does not contain fat, but high in fiber so apple is safe to consume each day.
In addition to apples and brown rice are still there pears and cassava proven to diet.

Review the benefits of apples to health

Previously I've explained the health benefits of apples to complete the previous article and I would like to give a little review of recalling it.

A. Preventing and treating cancer diseases

From identification to a Cornell University study, known benefits Triterpenoids compounds found in apple peels can inhibit cancer cells that lead to breast cancer, Lever and symptoms of colon cancer.

B. Treating Diarrhea and Constipation

What When you go to the bathroom, you often had difficulty to defecate or had diarrhea ?.
Existing fiber in apples is believed to tackle both problems, the fiber is useful to draw the water content of the intestine to keep the components in the gut runs throughout the day. The absorption of water also helps prevent diarrhea.

C. Preventing Cataracts

Several long-term studies found the percentage of apples in preventing cataracts, more than 10-15 per cent less affected by cataracts although includes several other important factors.

D. Prevent Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid disease is one disease that is painful because it deals with the existing blood vessels in the anal.
Hemorrhoids occur because of swollen veins in the anal area, but not to cause death in patients with hemorrhoids.

This is caused by pelvic and rectal section often receive excessive pressure and repetitive.

Existing fiber in apples may help alleviate these pressures so that your hemorrhoid disease is slowly improving.

E. Prevent Gallstones

While the amount of cholesterol in bile excess, then it tends to harden kelesterol bile resulting in gallstone.
In the short term it causes obesity, but can result in gallstone if not immediate prevention.
To control cholesterol levels in bile back to normal, you should have a dietary fiber. One of the suggested fruit is apples.

F. Prevent Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is characterized by the disturbance when dopamine-producing nerve cells to the brain.

A study shows that eating fruits and high-fiber meal can prevent you from Parkinson's disease. Some scientists also advised to eat fruits and food air-antioxidant that works to counteract free radicals.

G. Keeping Heart Health

The intake of soluble fiber in the buildup of cholesterol plaque in the arteries. Phenolic compounds in the skin of apples can prevent cholesterol into the system and also strengthen the artery wall.

Reduced blood supply to the heart due to the formation of plaque in the arteries can lead to coronary heart disease, this can be prevented by consuming apples which there is a soluble fiber (extensive research).

H. Boost Immune System

Proven! eating an apple while stress can lower the stress level. This is evident because several studies that claim that quercetin can help improve and strengthen the immune system / endurance.

I. Launching the process of digestion

The amount of nutrients contained in apples is very beneficial for our body, in addition to health, prevent disease, and diet. Apples are also very good for the digestive process because the vitamin and mineral content.

J. Dotoksifikasi Heart

The development of technology and information, so the more information that should not be misused. Borax, dyes Clothes etc. started misused for foodstuffs, this is of course bad for health.

The liver is the organ in the body that function to cleanse these toxins from the body with the help of antioxidants, apples became one of the fruits that have a high content of antioxidants.

That's why many health experts advise to consume apples regularly to elaborate toxins from food and drink harmful.

K. Lowering Cholesterol content

Soluble fiber in apples can bind excess fat in the intestine and if consumed regularly can reduce cholesterol levels.

It is very good for those who have obesity and high LDL should be regular consumption of apples.

L. Maintain Brain Health

Oxidative plays an important role in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.
By eating apples, we can protect neurons that would prevent aksidatif be oxidative stress and decreased performance.

M. Controlling Blood Sugar in the body

For people who have a history of diabetes, you are encouraged to eat apples so that your diabetes disease from getting worse and lower sugar content.

Because apples contain galacturonic acid which serves to degrade the performance of the body in releasing the hormone insulin.

N. Improving Bone Endurance

Apples contain flavonoids which serves to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis for postmenopausal women monopouse. To strengthen the bones in the body so that the young are not porous needed fruit containing Boron, one fruit is apples.
It also prevents the occurrence of early symptoms of rheumatic diseases.

O. Helps Smooth performance Intestine

Performance intestine in the digestive process serves to process meals and gather nutrients contained therein, and how to order our intestine is still working optimally.

One way is to eat apples regularly can make the prevention of constipation and other digestive disorder that occurs in the intestine.

P. Preventing Respiratory disorders

Consume apples for children and pregnant women are highly recommended because apples will assist them in preventing respiratory disorders that are now common in children.
Consumption of apples in the form of juice on a regular basis.

Q. Provide Health in the oral cavity and teeth

The health of the oral cavity and teeth using apple is already a very powerful thing to do.
You do this by eating the apples directly chew which will stimulate the production of saliva which serves to membaersikan oral cavity.
There are also substances Tannins are very important to clean the plaque that will damage the teeth and gums regularly.

Before following the instructions should first consulting your personal physician

Consumption of apples daily dose on a regular basis are:
Consuming apple in the morning with a cut along the way adding other fruits


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